Baby’s Naming Date

Naming of the baby on lucky date, it makes the baby’s life with good health, good character, very good memory power, multiple talents, leadership quality, a long life, good relationship with parents and society

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Numerology and Accident:

Now a days, accidents are common in India. Due to heavy traffics, poor door signals, unskilled driving (or) rash driving, over speed, drunk and drive, carelessness in road these are all common facts for accidents.
Apart from the above facts I have observed, whoever is having Name number in 4 or 8, they only facing accidents. Number four and eight took more involvement for accidents. Also dates like 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st and 8th, 17th, 26th are all accident dates.
In the above dates, persons with name number 4 and 8 are facing accidents. Depends upon the accidents they are facing injury or death. (1975, 1984, 1993, 2002, 2011 = 4 Number years; 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006, 2015 = these are all number 8 year) these years meant for accidents and natural disasters. Those who are having No.4 or 8 as a Name Number or birth / fate Number should be careful in this kind of years.
I have made research in Hospitals, Insurance companies and police stations about accidents. Whoever is having name number 4 or 8, they only met accidents.
Some time good name number persons are also met accidents, while travelling with 4 or 8 name number persons.

Numerology and Luck:

In this Article I am telling you about Luck and Unluck. Everyone’s life is based on his luck. If luck is so strong, he will enjoy the life. But most of the peoples does not knows, from where luck is coming. Numerology takes major roll in luck point of view. If the person’s name is lucky as per “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, then he will be a lucky person. Even his date of birth is not powerful. Lucky dates, Lucky numbers are one of the major roll in lucky environment.
If Lucky named person take an important challenging work in lucky date, then work will get completed successfully even work is so hard, hence “Sengs Systems” of Numerological vibrations works in all human life.
In my research, animals also facing Lucky and Unlucky results according to its date of birth and Pet Name.

Numerology and Alcoholic tempting:

If the name is not match with date of birth of the man, then he will be tempting for alcoholic and became a drunkard. May be male or female, it is not a question. His or her life will be spoiled by alcoholic habit.
To correct the drunkard man into non alcoholic, changing his or her name by “Sengs Systems” of Numerological Lucky vibration is the only solution. In my 28 years of experience, I have converted lot of alcoholics into non alcoholic by changing their name. Now they are living happy. No meaning of advice, No meaning of counseling, No meaning of prayer, No meaning of treatment. Only solution is changing the drunkards name in to positive vibration by “Sengs Systems”.

Numerology and Suicide:

Most of the suicide persons are having Negative name number. Negative name makes negative thinking. Negative thoughts make suicide attempts.
I have done research in police stations, from the year 1985 onward, whoever is having negative name number they only, attempted or died out of suicide. Even for a small problem they are attempting suicide.
If you are having suicide thoughts in your mind, I kindly request you to please alter your name as a positive vibration name immediately as per “Sengs Systems” of Numerology. Then life will be happy. You will have lot of will power.

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